Hello My Friends! Today is the day! The new Coco Avant Chanel movie is being released in France today. Those lucky ducks! If you do not speak French you may be waiting a while for the subtitled version. I cannot wait to see this movie. I am a huge fan of Coco Chanel. Not as much for the fashion (which is amazing) but more so for her life story. Very inspiring, very controversial, very real.

Audrey Tautou (of Amelie fame) is playing the young Coco. The stills from the film are stunning.

I can hardly contain my excitement!

What I wouldn't give to walk the back areas of the atelier! Who has Karl's number, I need a personal tour!

The photo shoot in Coco's apartment on Rue Cambon. I did a post on Chanel and her apartment many moons ago. Here it is if you are interested.

Some fabulous pics of Audrey for you.

I love this one! Very reminiscent of another Audrey to me!

Wow! I thought she was a great fit as the young Coco. Then I saw this image of Coco and Audrey next to each other. Definitely a match. I can imagine this is close to what Chanel looked like in her youth.

And, of course an image of the legend herself! If you are lucky enough to view the film, I would love to hear how it was. I can't wait to get my hands on it.
Until next time!


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