There's been a lot of chatter on the blogs and the boards about the bold new direction of the upcoming Aquaman: Sword of Alantis series. First let me say that I love Aquaman. I'm a pretty solidly heterosexual male, but I've said before that there are only two men I'd consider doing it with: Kyle Rayner (for obvious reasons) and Arthur Curry (for reasons that even I cannot elucidate). So I'd say my cred as an Aquaman fan is pretty solid.

That being said, I understand the anger and the frustration at Arthur losing the starring role in his own series. If I had it my way John Arcudi would still be writing Aquaman One Year Later and Patrick Gleason would be back on art. But it's not a perfect world.

The choices were: no Aquaman series or the new Aquaman direction. If it hadn't been for Busiek's pitch, the series would have been outright cancelled. That means no undersea adventures of any sort. I know that that wouldn't please me. Besides, this isn't an Emerald Twilight deal. Busiek has already said that Arthur will appear at some point. Kurt Busiek is an incredibly talented writer (JLA/Avengers, anyone? He made me actually give a damn about Marvel characters) and I for one am willing to give him a chance to wow me.


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