No really, I'm not!

Meet Dave Hewlett aka Rodney McKay. He once called Colonel Samantha Carter of SG-1 "a dumb blonde." Seriously, he did. He more or less defines "snarky." Here are some quotes!
1) Using power...using power...using power (referring to the dwindling power supply on Atlantis)
2) Yes, if only we had a magical device that could slow time down. I foolishly left mine on Earth...Did you bring yours?
3) You just can't resist bringing up the fact that I once destroyed a couple of planets, can you?
4) We're building nuclear bombs, staying awake is sort of a prerequisite.
5) M7R-227 you were a constant pain in the ass, its good to see you go!" (As he deletes the replicator planet from the map)
6) I'm Doctor Rodney McKay alright? Difficult takes a few seconds, impossible, a few minutes.
And finally my favorite exchange between Rodney and Sam Carter...
Carter: So what? We call Anubis and ask him to stop? (Anubis is making the stargate overload)
McKay: Yeah, "Hey Anubis, this is your agent, you're playing it way over the top, can you get serious please?"
McKay is balding and kinda chubby...but I would choose him over Sheppard or Ronan hands down! Oh and he gets Kaley! (Or the character Jewel Staite plays on Stargate Atlantis anyway)

Colin Morgan as Merlin... EARS. That's all that needs to be said about what keeps this actor from being a mind-numbing hottie. The character is generally a likeable fellow but MAN can he get his snark on.
1) Look, I've told you you were an ass. I just didn't realize you were a royal one. (An early exchange with Arthur)
2) There must be another Arthur because this one is an idiot. (After Dragon told him that he was destined to help Arthur become a great king etc etc)
3)I think you are mad. I think you are all mad. People should marry for love, not for convenience. And if Uther thinks an unhappy king makes for a stronger kingdom then he is wrong, because you may be destined to rule Camelot but you have a choice...as to how you do it.
4) Gaius: Are you not fond of crypts? Merlin: I wouldn't be seen dead anywhere else.
5) Arthur: What the hell are you doing here? Merlin: Why can you never just say thanks?
6) Merlin (while aged): And YOU! I've heard how you mistreat your servants. They do everything for you but they don't have any thanks. You're an arrogant prat, with the brain of a donkey, and the face of a toad! (Taking the opportunity to dig into Arthur)
He's the least assholish of the group. But he does know how to dish it out when vexed...

Jonathon Strong as Nicola Tesla on Sanctuary...Between his forehead and his teeth this guy will never be nominated for the 50 most beautiful people. But he's a genius and a vampire...was a vampire...now Magneto-like...and apparently will be a vampire again this season. YAY! So salute Sanctuary's chief asshole and world dominator wannabe!
1) Helen Magnus. Kiss me and I'll save your life.
2) My God, you look sexy with a gun. (to Magnus)
3) Your shaggy friend is still refusing treatment, and frankly, I'm insulted.
4) Which part of "I'm a genius" aren't you getting?
5) Well, well, well, the appetizers have arrived.
6) I've often wondered what this moment would be like. Me. You, tied up. It's a shame you brought the children. (Take a wild guess who Tesla is saying this to!)
And one of my favorite exchanges...interestingly NOT between Tesla and Magnus though.
Tesla: Drink?
Will Z: No, thanks
Tesla: Oh, Come on. "Shoot Your Employee Day" comes but once a year. Lighten up, you did what you had to do. Magnus woulda done the same thing.
Will Z: Really? You really think so?
Tesla: Oh, absolutely. Magnus has shot me more times than I can count.
Will Z: Yeah, well, that's you.
Tesla: You're right, bad example...
Anyway, Robin Dunne is very pretty and I enjoy him being without a shirt. But Tesla had me at "MY GOD, you look sexy with a gun." Go Forehead!
Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock...on Sherlock. His face is too long. His forehead is even more epic than Tesla's...and he may actually be paler than ME. And I'm so white I'm translucent. But he sounds like Alan Rickman and he has possibly the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen... and he's SHERLOCK. A notorious misanthrope in the book serious, here he's a fucking sociopath. So he might be the biggest asshole of the group...
1) Watson: Why didn't I think of that? Sherlock: Because you are an idiot. Don't look at me like that, practically everbody is.
2) We've got ourselves a serial killer. Love those -there's always something to look forward to.
3) Brilliant! Yes! Oh, 4 serial suicides and now a note. Oh its Christmas.
4) (to Mycroft) Try not to start a war before I get home -you know what it does to traffic.
5) J. Moriarty: If you don't stop prying...I'll burn you. I'll burn the heart out of you.
Holmes: I have been reliably informed that I don't have one.
-Oh Moriarty and Holmes in the 21st century: Battle of the Sociopaths, anyone?
Whereas when it comes to females I would bang...although they are often also snarky, they are also all HOT... I think pictures are all that is required here... :)

Amanda Tapping. Her characters on both Stargate and Sanctuary are brilliant. No really. But mostly... Hot damn! I will NEVER get tired of this image!

Amia Moretti. She's in porn. I'm not overly interested in her wit, sorry to say.

Karen Gillan. 11's Companion. Lucky Bastard. (Thanks for the pic, James!)

Eliza Dushku. Faith, Gotta Have. Oh and the Mormons would have a much easier time gaining new followers if SHE went door to door.

Cote De Pablo. Her character on NCIS, Ziva Davide, probably could kill you with a paperclip. But would you complain with THAT ASS!?! Also, she is so cute when she messes up American idioms on the show.

Pauley Perrette. Absolutely Adorable Abby also on NCIS. The single most cheerful goth in existance. And also a great tattoo right???
So I hope you enjoyed snark and hot babes. Have a nice night.
Labels: awesome, Colleen, geeks, reflection, Sexy