I'll go ahead and say it: Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters is one of the most relevant books currently on the stands.

Now, seeing as I don't know the political tenor of the comic blogosphere, I may get myself it trouble for some of the things I'm about to say. But I don't really care.

The American political landscape is filthy. It's astonishing how clear the view gets when you're looking from afar (though some who are a lot closer -- you know who you are -- may disagree). The Democrats are spineless and the Republicans are so damn corrupt.

And that's the world we see in Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters. The nation's foundations are crumbling. The corrupt and the cruel are seizing control -- and no one is willing to stop them. Until...

Uncle Sam.

Uncle Sam is not America. Rather, he is the spirit of what America could be. What it should be. He is the freedom that tyrants fear. The tolerance that bigots despise. He is the dream that anything can be.

And that is so incredibly powerful. Because dreams are what drive us. A few words from the personification of that idea is all the Freedom Fighters need to turn against their cruel masters.

And even as that map of the United States of America turns red with the blood of those who will suffer under the hand of a wicked mechanical automaton...

There is hope.


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