Well, that was completely and totally unexpected. I'm talking about Trials of Shazam which was nothing I could have forseen. And that's a good thing.

A lot of people have a hate/hate relationship with the work of Judd Winick. I am not one of those people. I've enjoyed pretty much everything he's done (with the exception of some of the more recent Green Arrow stuff). But Trials of Shazam seems to be on a whole 'nother level (though the traditional Winick "bad dialogue" is present and in attendance).

Anyway, Trials of Shazam has taken every element of the Captain Marvel mythos (and several elements of the DCU as a whole) and turned them upside down. The Wizard is gone, Billy's having some seriously identity issues, and who even knows what's up with Freddy and Mary? (don't you kill her, Winick!)

But this is all a good thing, I feel. Captain Marvel has been stagnant for too long. He hasn't worked. He needed something more. Now I don't know if Trials is it... But it's a step in the right direction...


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