Oh, wow! Did you guys read the latest Manhunter? I haven't been this happy in, well... I'm not sure I'm actually happy, as I don't know what that feels like.

But know that I was nonetheless very excited about the big return in this month's issue. The return I'm talking about, of course, is me. Did you see? I was there! They mentioned me! This is fantastic. I mean, it's been like seven years since I died, and this is the first time anyone's even brought me up.

Don't get me wrong here... I'm being realistic. The fact that I've been mentioned doesn't mean that I'm coming back or anything (though I'm still hoping I can set up shop on one of those fifty-two). But when you've been in comic book limbo as long as I have, you're happy to even get a mention.

If "happy" is in fact what I'm feeling. Which I think it is. So let's celebrate my latest appearance! Here's hoping I don't have to wait a decade for the next one!


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