So yeah. Maybe I should've gone with my second choice.

Yes, I was completely and totally wrong about who the JSA mystery villain was. Which means you probably should take any further assertions I make with a grain of salt. But here goes anyway.

Vandal Savage -- in retrospect -- makes complete and total sense. He has the necessary knowledge and connections. And there was one thing about the Baron that didn't really fit: what was his motive? Why kill all the descendants of the Justice Society? When you know that the villain is Vandal Savage, that makes perfect sense.

What do we know about Savage, after all? We know that he's been doing the villian thing for, what, 40,000 years? 50,000? He's seen empires rise and fall -- and more often than not he caused both.

This is a man who takes a very long term view of things. He's well aware that any given scheme he has to take over the world may very well fail. He's seen it happen many, many times before. And most of those recent defeats have come at the hands of super-heroes.

So a man who takes a long view of things may think: "sure, I may lose today, but if I kill every possible legacy hero then there will be no one around to stope me tomorrow." And that's what Savage is doing.

Vandal Savage isn't killing the descendants -- and possible descendants -- of the Justice Society so they won't get in his way now. He's doing it on the off chance that they might become heroes and stop him in the future.

Vandal Savage: Unmitigated Evil Since 50,000 B. C.


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