I always kind of laugh when I see message board posts along these lines:

"If [comic book company] does that, I'll drop [comic title]!"

"Since [comic book company] did that to [favorite character] I'll never buy anything [comic book company] publishes ever again!"

"That's it. Because [comic book company] did [mildly irritating thing] I'm quitting comics. For good."

You know why I laugh? Because I don't really believe it. Not for a second.

People like me -- and probably you -- have an addiction. I don't say that to make light of people with actual serious diseases. I say it because it's really true. I don't think I could stop reading comic books even if I wanted to. And if I did, I'd go through some serious withdrawal.

So I find it suspect when people say, oh... "The Flash is my favorite character but I'm going to stop reading the comic because of this!" I mention this of course, because some people have been very upset about DC's little switcheroo. I admit, I found it kind of clever. Because either way, I'm buying Flash.

And like it or not, most of those people who say they'll give up on it when Flash #231 comes out are going to buy it too. Some are being being disingenuous. Others are merely deluding themselves. Because as much as we'd sometimes like to kick that weekly habit, most of us can't.

Thank God!


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