Is anyone still checking this blog? I hope so. In a week I'll be back in America -- land of flags and comic books. And I'll be able to do some genuine flag-waving comic book blogging. It'll be nice. Very nice.

As it stands, I've got pretty much everything packed. I've got very little left that I actually need to do. Which is a good thing, considering how little time I've got left to do stuff.

There probably won't be Thursday Night Thinking this week as (regrettably) Thursday is going to be my last chance to get my Internet disconnected. Something that is very vital. So, I'll try to post every day until then -- possibly on things related to comic books.

But then you'll have to expect a definite lull from Thursday until the following Wednesday -- serendipitously enough comic book day --when I will return to the golden shores of North America and be reunited with hot dogs, flat land, and the two-party system.

Wish me luck.


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