Well, a lot of news has come out of San Diego this week. For me, the biggest news (at least in the DC Universe) is the folding in to the DCU of the Milestone and Archie superheroes.

On the one hand, I think this to be a very good thing. More superheroes usually equals better. But part of me finds itself mysteriously skeptical. Which is strange, considering that previous fold-ins have been more or less successful. Though the degree of success does vary...

The Charlton characters have probably been the biggest success in that sense. It took a while, but Blue Beetle, the Question, and Captain Atom have been fully integrated into the DC Universe. And they, along with their compatriots, have had huge roles in a lot of DC's recent events. Blue Beetle kicked off Infinite Crisis, the Question played a huge role in 52, and Captain Atom went crazy and tried to kill the multiverse in Countdown(though we won't talk about that).

Now, whatever you may think of these storylines (they killed two of the characters and made the third crazy) you can't deny that the Charlton characters have vital, important roles in the DC Universe. The question is, can the Archie and Milestone characters make the same jump? Can they become players in the DCU?

I think they can, if handled well. DC has, in recent years, been very good about making use of everything in their toolbox. Hell, Geoff Johns alone'll probably add half these new characters to the JSA...


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