Okay, I'm going to express an opinion here that could very easily be misconstrued. I really hope nobody does. Listen to everything I say before you start lighting torches. All right, here goes:

I liked naked Cheetah better.

Okay, bear with me. This isn't because I like to look at pictures of naked cat-ladies (though that may be true). No, it's because Cheetah's current outfit has really brought down her "menace level."

Allow me to explain my reasoning. Cheetah is one of Wonder Woman's better villains. But that's not just because of how powerful she is. A lot of it has to do with what she represents. Cheetah is a character who has sacrificed her humanity for power. She has become animalistic. Bestial. She is less a person and more a blood-thirsty predator.

I don't have to tell you that blood-thirsty predators don't wear belly shirts. In my eyes the costume just makes her look silly. Cheetah is supposed to be a villain driven by instinct and blood lust. But when she's wearing that outfit she looks like someone in a Halloween costume.

Cheetah needs to seem like a dangerous, uncontrollable animal. That's what makes her a menacing villain. Animals, of course, don't wear clothes. So Cheetah should be naked.


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