I was rereading my Doctor Mid-Nite trade paperback today (something I do often that you should do as well). And I got to wondering: what the hell happened to Camilla Marlowe?

If you've read Wagner and Snyder's masterful reinterpretation of Doctor Mid-Nite -- the version that to this day stalks comics from JSA to Blue Beetle -- then you know who I'm talking about.

Camilla Marlowe was Pieter Cross's "sort of" sidekick and confidant who also might have been his love interest. They initially met when they were both buying drugs from a street dealer (if you don't know what I'm talking about, read the trade!)

Anyway, Camilla can't go out in the daytime -- she's got a skin condition that makes the sun burn her. Despite this setback (because of it?) she is incomparably awesome. She's smart, sexy, and ass-kicking when the situation calls for it. She's also inexplicably intertwined with Doctor Mid-Nite and his origin.

But after the last page closes on the Doctor Mid-Nite miniseries, we don't see Camilla again. We see lots of Doctor M. But absolutely nothing of Camilla Marlowe. I do not know why this should be. But it's always pissed me off.

You can't do Superman without Lois Lane. And you really can't do Doctor Mid-Nite without Camilla Marlowe. I'm not asking for her to get a solo series. She doesn't even need get face time. But she needs to be mentioned. Pieter Cross was devoted to his city. He was devoted to Camilla. But we never see or hear much of either of them.

I understand that he mostly shows up in ensemble casts. But there is so much more to Doctor Mid-Nite than him being the "go to" guy when a super-hero gets hurt. It doesn't do the character justice.

Bring back Camilla!


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