After last night's post I've been thinking about the whole "New Krypton" thing. I'm believe that loyal commenter Jake is right -- it's not going to tie into anything else and it will wrap up around the time that World of New Krypton comes to a close.

The big question is this: how is this all going to be resolved? We know a few things. For instance, we know that Mon-El will end up back in the Phantom Zone eventually. He needs to be there so that the Legion can pull him out in a thousand years. And I think it's safe to say that eventually New Krypton is going to go away. That situatio is not sustainable. We can't have a planet full of Kryptonians in the Sol system indefinitely. It just won't work.

So what's going to happen? I honestly don't know. There's been so much new ground broken with this storyline that I don't know what to expect. There's nothing to say that Zod has to go back in the Phantom Zone or Kandor has to go back in the bottle. Heck, maybe I'm wrong and New Krypton doesn't even have to go away!

But in one sense it does. The tension between Earth and New Krypton can't last forever. Something is going to break. Somebody will cause that spark. And something will happen.

How do you think the New Krypton story will end?


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