Know this: I, Doctor Polaris am mightily pleased by the events that transpired between the pages of this week's Justice Society of America.

Also, the Atomic Skull is my new best friend.

My surly, bearded replacement "Mr. Polaris" made great pains during the issue to annoy and generally aggravate all around him. The other villains did not respond to it well; perhaps they remember the golden age when the true Doctor Polaris soared above them, unconcerned with the pitiful mercenary work of the villain underclass.

Still, only one of their number had the fortitude of spirit to say what needed to be said. You should know that I was as surprised as any to find that that one was the Atomic Skull. Mr. Skull pulled no punches, telling it exactly as it is. Of the M. B. A. he said:

"You're one to talk, you pathetic excuse for a replacement villain!"

With that, the Atomic Skull has earned a place of glory among the great thinkers and philosophers of our time. To him, kudos.


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