Only a little while in and I am already weary of this Black Lantern nonsense. Divesting my stylish outfit of its color is only a part of the problem.

Really, the whole thing is quite droll. I mean, ripping hearts out with one's hand? Why not simply use your magnetic powers on the iron rich blood pumping through the heart and destroy it from the inside.

Now I am a fan of the dramatic as much as the next super-villain. All of you know this well. But these Black Lanterns (I refuse to count myself among their number any longer) take it to the extreme. It seems like a poorly directed and even more poorly acted community theatre performance of Shakespeare.

All the actors are butchering their lines and we know that that fellow on stage isn't really Hamlet. We can't even manage to pretend as he's playing the part so badly. Are the Black Lanterns fooling anyone? Is anyone buying the act?

Know this: Polaris isn't buying it. If you cannot play the role then retire gracefully. Don't keep butchering the classics.


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