I love the less structured, relaxed nature of his suit, but the whole look rests on the coordinated slouch of his hat.

This is also one of those looks that, if worn exactly the same way as this gentleman, would look great on the right girl.

The Source says that it's "Wonder Woman Week." That's certainly a good idea. But I have a problem with Wonder Woman.

Now, before you start reacting let me explain: I love the idea of Wonder Woman. It think when she's done well she's absolutely fantastic. The problem is, I've only found one writer who I really think does her well. And as much as I usually love Gail Simone, that writer is Greg Rucka.

I really loved Greg Rucka's Wonder Woman. He was able to breath life into her in a way I'd never seen. I wasn't buying Wonder Woman before Greg Rucka came along. And despite all the missteps, I've been buying it since.

People talk about Superman being hard to write. It seems to me that Wonder Woman is even worse. I can think up a few interesting Superman tales. They might night be publication worthy, but they're still there floating around in my head. I have no ideas for Wonder Woman.

This all brings me to J. Michael Straczynski's upcoming run on Wonder Woman. Honestly, I have no idea what to expect. For me his stuff goes back and forth, and I haven't read any of his Marvel stuff anyway. Can Mr. Straczynski solve my Wonder Woman problem? I don't know. If not, I'll have to wait in vain for Greg Rucka to come back...

This young lady looks like a classic Italian film goddess of the 50's and 60's: a modern, sharpened Sophia Loren.

The tattoos take her look to a entirely different place. Honestly, I can't decide if they add or distract from her natural beauty but, with that added edge, it's hard to take your eyes off her.

Bonjour Mes Amis! I'm a California girl and I love this beautiful, warm, Summer weather. It's been just gorgeous over here and I just spent the perfect Summer Sunday with my boys. What is my idea of a perfect Summer day you ask? A warm sunny day, my amazing husband and beautiful son, the pool, a bowl of fruit, a glass of champagne, and a good book (all of this after watching my Argentina play in the World Cup of course). That's exactly how I spent the day and I couldn't be happier.

The book I read today was so good! The perfect light, fun, Summer reading. I really enjoyed it and just couldn't put it down. Summer at Tiffany, a memoir by Marjorie Hart is a book right up my alley!

Imagine New York City circa 1945.Two young girls Marjorie and her best friend, Marty, arrive in New York to find summer positions as shopgirls. These lucky girls find jobs as pages at Tiffany & Co. and become the first women to ever work on the sales floor! A fun book filled with tales of a diamond-filled job that includes Tiffany blue shirtwaist dresses from Bonwit Teller's. What an experience, what a time period, what a story! I just loved it.

Happy Summer days to you! I can't wait for the weekend again!

I am outraged -- outraged! -- by the proliferation of Green Lantern comics. Green Lantern starring Hal Jordan was bad enough. Then they had to give us Green Lantern Corps starring that insipid pretty boy Kyle Rayner. And now Emerald Warriors starring Guy Gardner? This goes too far.

The worst thing about it is this: with all these Green Lantern comics they can't seem to find room for even a single appearance by Doctor Polaris. I don't care which one of those dullards I get to beat up on. My preference is certainly Hal Jordan. But I'm just as willing to crack Kyle Rayner's skulls. I've done it before.

But instead we continue to be fed new villains. Random cosmic figures and non-Green Lantern villains shoehorned into fighting those pathetic ring-slingers. Though my position is paramount, I wonder if the other Green Lantern villains are as annoyed as I. Where is that fool Sonar? What about Evil Star? Does anyone even remember Evil Star?

Setting this all aside, the course is clear: one of those three writers needs to get me a cover spot. Put me on the cover and his life may yet be spared. I'm willing to be patient... But for how long?

I want to apologize to everybody for not having posted much -- okay, at all -- this past week. I'm currently in Japan and will be here until some time in August. That said, I've finally settled in and hopefully I can start blogging again tomorrow.

Watch this space. If there's anybody left out there watching...

Paris is off to a slow start this season.

Have you seen any shows that you really love?

The first show that I really liked was Junya Watanabe.

The humor and quirkiness of Junya were still evident this season, but they were toned down to a point that made the collection even more desirable. Some Junya diehards commented afterward that the collection seemed "too commercial." I know they didn't mean it in a good way, but that commercial element made the collection so much more desirable for me.