Neon gas tubes apeared on the walls, and a range of different colors illuminate inside Optimus's ass with all colors of the spectrum. It was a really shame R2-D2 couldn't smell the daisy fragance permeating Optimus Prime's anus. R2 had no nose.


I thought I'd just hit ya with that straight off. No warning, no preparation, no time to brace yourself or down a shot, just the pure, unadulterated magic that is the Patron Saint of Fanfic, ComicsNix!

This comes from a story that was featured on my beloved Topless Robot's Fan Fiction Friday this week, so naturally I had to plumb it for the secret extratemporal messages I'm convinced are hidden somewhere amongst the Robotic Sodomy(I think I have their CD around here somewhere)and Alien Penis Grafts(saw them at the County Fair last summer--they suck). I think the cure for cancer is somewhere in this one. Must continue my studies. Think of this as The DaVinci Code, only with more "beautifully adorned rectums".

P.S. I won TR's weekly t-shirt contest last week, I'll be posting a picture of my prize as soon as it gets here, though I'm not sure if I'll be wearing it in the pic. I kinda like the idea of being all faceless and mysterious. And I kow I haven't been showing this blog the love it deserves, I'll try to have something new for my adoring, yet silent public at least once a week from now on.


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