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Hello Lovelies! I have been aching for Paris this last week or so and the feeling just won't go away! Maybe because Spring is approaching and there is no place in the world more beautiful in the Springtime. Maybe because I have been brushing up on my French while teaching the little Little Prince to speak it...Maybe, it is because I left my heart there the last time I left. Whatever the reason, here is a tiny dose of Paris and some interesting little tidbits to tide us over.

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~ In Paris you are never more that 400 meters from a subway station.

~ The Marseillaise, the French national anthem, was first sung in Strasbourg, not Marseille.

~ The novel La Disparition by Georges Perec, in its original French does not use the letter 'e'.

 ~Via Tumblr~

~ In French two weeks is in fact 15 days, quinze jours.

~ French politicians can simultaneously hold more than one elected office.

~ Lefevre is the most popular last name in France.

~ There are 27 wine regions in France.

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~ Comté cheese is best eaten 30 months after it is made.

~ Alsacien type homes are not considered immobilier, the French term for real estate that also means non-moveable, but in fact mobilier because they are demountable and thus can be moved. Alsacien type homes were built this way so that homes could be part of dowries.


~Facts via Americans In France~


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