
Not much been up.

Would like to know one thing: Where ma peeps at? My dear contributors? I've not seen hide nor hair of most of you for quite some time...I miss you! The readers miss you! I can't keep the entire Internet riveted on my lonesome ^_^ Come back!

'Kay, I got a little something off Twitter I thought you guys might get a kick out of:

The magnificent Jewel Staite, of Firefly, Stargate: Atlantis, and the TTOS Sidebar Tweeted the link to this along with the words: "Is it bad that this made my day?" (bonus Firefly awesomeness: I first saw this because it was Re-Tweeted by Nathan Fillion, who thought it was hilarious XD)

No Jewel, no it's not...It's rather awesome that the rantings of an unhinged gentleman actually amuse/flatter you. I'd think by now such proposals would be old hat--it's nice of you to be so magnanimous, I'm sure John X appreciates it.

That's about it, folks. Here's a new pic of Ms. Staite (worry not--recent events have taught me to maintain a certain level of decorum)

Later, Peoples!

Scooter Pie


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