And here I thought we were done with "52" as a concept. Yet here we are, gearing up for a clean sweep of the DC Universe and a reintroduction of the line with fifty-two new series.

Now, as an historian of the DC Universe I'm going to be more than a little disappointed if everything gets wiped out. But you know what? I think I'll get over it. There is far too much potential in a restart of this sort.

Even if some of my favorite characters get wiped out in this reboot I'll be okay with that. If Cassandra Cain goes away forever, well... I'll deal. Honestly, the idea that Barbara Gordon might come back as Batgirl is more than a bit appealing to me.

Perhaps we can purge Nightwing entirely; I'll certainly miss Tim Drake, but making Dick Grayson Robin again would go a long way to returning the DC to a state where it is at its most recognizable.

I think that the DC animated universe is the best example for this. In order to make things palatable to a mass audience everything got stripped down to the core of what made it work. And it was enormously successful.

Will they go this route? I don't really know. My biggest fear is that in making the DCU "younger" and "fresher" it will start to look too much like Marvel. That has never worked in the past and it won't work now. But if they go back to the core of the characters, then we may see something stupendous.


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