Ah, "Professor" X. The "luminary" leader of Marvel's "celebrated" X-Men. I despise him.

He receives much credit as one of comics' most popular and powerful bald characters. To this I say: I know Lex Luthor; you sir are no Lex Luthor.

He has a position of great power in the Marvel universe. This alone is enough to make me hate him. But even more so I despise his use of the appellation "professor." What is he even a professor of? As far as I can tell no one knows. And if they do know I choose to ignore that fact.

I can tell you exactly why I use the title "doctor." It has something to do with that PhD in Physics and that Medical Degree I have.

"Professor" X isn't the only person to use a title they have no right to. There are plenty of "doctors" who aren't doctors. But he's the only one I know of who claims to be a professor. And is so damn smug about it.

I hate "Professor" X.


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