I should say that Doctor Polaris doesn't necessarily speak for me in matters regarding Marvel comics.

Though I should also say that his thoughts aren't that far from my own. I would just express them with more... Tact.

I don't read Marvel. I won't apologize for that, either. I've only read a handful of Marvel comics in my life and I've never purchased one (that Wolverine/Elektra thing doesn't count; that was purchased exclusively for Yoshitaka Amano artwork). But if I was going to try reading some Marvel I'd go about it in the same way Scipio has.

Some of the commenters on that thread were complaining that Scipio chose a "DC writer" for his first real foray into Marvel. I'd probably do the same thing. You see, for me it's not about the writers; it's about the characters. And if Geoff Johns can't make me like characters that I tend to find pretty unlikable, then nobody can.

A friend was over at my place last night and we got to talking comics (he's an old school Marvel fan). He was absolutely raving about Marvel's Ultimate Universe and The Ultimates in partcular. He started describing Ultimate Captain America and Ultimate Hulk and Ultimate Iron Man and all the rest. And all I could think: "those guys sound like total assholes." And I don't really want to read about assholes.

But after my friend left, I got to wondering. Should I broaden my horizons? Should I be reading books like The Ultimates (which my friend billed as a truly "realistic" take on superheroes). Then I reread Action Comics #775.

I think I'll stick with the "Truth, Justice, and the American Way."


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