In the proud tradition of Chris's Invincible Super-Blog, here's a woman kicking a dude in the face:Ah, sweet, sweet judo.
So it looks the the lovely, brilliant, and extremely talented Gail Simone is ushering Birds of Prey into a new era.
It looks like the book is going to be awfully different from what it used to be. Very different from the old days when it was sort of a Black Canary/Oracle team-up. One part of that team-up has left. And there's a whole new crew coming in.
And I for one am extremely excited. Big Barda? Ohhh yesss. And it looks like Manhunter might be getting some additional play as well. And of course, Oracle and Huntress aren't going anywhere.
But me, I'm trying to figure out who the heck this new Judomaster is. Did I miss something? Because I know the old one died, but I didn't know there was a new one. Is this her first apprearance?
I'll say this: she's got a ridiculous name, a gaudy costume, and she hurts people with judo.
I'm in love.