Why exactly have I never read a Hellboy comic before? I loved the movie and enjoyed the animation... But why did I never crack open those gloriously illustrated comics?

Well, today I got the chance to read most of the major Hellboy story arcs. And wow was I blown away. I've never see such things on page before. It has greatly humbled me (some of my own projects deal with the occult and the supernatural -- though not in the way Hellboy does).

I mean, I've never seen an exchange like this before in a comic:That, my friends, Is genius.

And no matter how much I may love Batman (and I do... I really do) I have to say that nobody -- nobody -- throws a punch like Hellboy:Nobody. He even yells "Boom" when he does it. And that's not even with his stone hand!

And also note another thing about those two images. Something very important that shows exactly how well Mignola understands comics. Both have monkeys.

Hail Mike Mignola.


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