Not long ago whiny Azrael was talking about his whiny religion in a very whiny fashion. It may surprise some of you to know that I also attend a church of sorts. Yes, I am a member of the Church of Crime (as seen in 52).

But I should make a distinction. Like most religions, there are a great many sects within the greater Church of Crime. The one promoted by Bruno Mannheim? We'll call that Orthodox Crimeology. Not my cup of tea. I'm not particularly keen on the consumption of flesh -- either literally or by means of transubstantiation.

I'm more of a Reformist Crimeologist. Sure, we like crime. But we also like getting together for bingo and potlucks. (Black Manta makes a mean quiche!)

Anyway, I invite any and all to consider joining the Church of Crime. We may have many disparate views, but one thing is constant: we really love robbing banks.


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