Every once in a while a character appears in comics that shatters everything we thought we knew about the medium. Such characters do not go unnoticed. They are usually hailed as what they are: Sensational Character Finds.

It goes without saying that Robin, the Boy Wonder was the Sensational Character Find of 1940. There are others, of course. 1975 had a Sensational Character Find. Others rightly claim that 1984 also had a Sensational Character Find.

This brings us to the obvious question... Who's the Sensational Character Find of 2007? If you've been reading Countdown, the answer should be blindingly obvious:


That's right, friends. Hassan is without a doubt the Sensational Character Find of 2007. Since his first appearance in Countdown #37 he's changed the way we look at comics. With nothing more than a few incomprehensible words and a scimitar, Hassan has reaffirmed our faith in comic books.

So let's all raise our glasses to Hassan, the mummy with a sword that stole our hearts. I'm sure we haven't seen the last of him.


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