Those who've read this blog a bit know that I wuv Miss Martian. The only problem is that as far as we can tell she was found under a cabbage. We haven't gotten any explanation as to where she came from or how she joined the Titans.

Unless I've missed something, all we really know is that she's a White Martian. Now, White Martian's usually try to kill lots and lots of people. So right there we know she's not your typical White Martian (Drizzt's Law applies).

But who exactly is she? How did she end up on Earth? Why isn't she a scary toothy-mawed maniac? Is she really a teenager? I want to know the answers to these questions, and I want to know what (if any) connection she has to J'onn J'onzz. As far as I know, the two have never been seen together. Is she connected to him at all?

You'd think he'd take an interest in her, what with her being Miss Martian. He obviously has to know that she's not really a Green Martian (because if he doesn't, he's slacking off on the manhunting). Is he okay with that? Is he somehow responsible for her current sunny disposition and rosy outlook on life?

I demand answers to the Miss Martian conundrum. I can only hope that Sean McKeever will supply those. Because Geoff Johns -- despite creating the character -- most certainly has not.


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