Greetings loyal readers. I, Doctor Polaris, have returned.

You may wonder where I have been for the past few weeks. It is, after all, a valid question. Some of you may assume that I have been on vacation just as the gracious proprietor of this blog has been. But know this: villainy never takes a vacation.

Rather, I have been traveling through time. This is not in and of itself unusual. After all, my torrid, 31st century affair with the Emerald Empress is a matter of public record. But this time, Polaris has not scoured the time stream for love... He has scoured it for revenge.

Indeed, I seek the interminable Booster Gold so that I might slay him. The fact that he has received his very old solo series fills me with fiery rage! While I and others like me languish in obscurity, Booster Gold is given his own solo series? Truly there is no justice in the world. Or injustice, as the case may be.

But Booster Gold is as unctuous as a Japanese eel. Whenever I think I have him within my magnetic grasp he eludes me. But I will find him. And I will destroy him. Though I admit that he is a convenient target upon which to take out my frustrations, that is not my sole reason for attempting to end his life. If I kill one of the the stars of 52 they won't be able to ignore me any more.

And I'm not sure even I could take on Black Adam. So Booster Gold it is.


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