Know that I have returned to Gotham City. No longer must I languish in hiding, looking over my shoulder every moment for beetle-browed, bearded brutes. I can once again freely slink through the shadows and engage in brutal, violent vigilantism.

"But Azrael," you may ask. "Why have they stopped hunting you? Aren't you one of those crazy anomalies everybody is talking about?" Perhaps I was... But no longer!

See? See? There I am, right on the cover of one of the issues of Gotham Underground. And if I am featured on the cover, then surely I am in the comic. And if I am in the comic, then surely I am not dead.

After all, astute readers know that my body was never found. Did anyone really believe that I was dead? You all thought I was merely gone. You thought no writer was willing to bring me back and do something with me. Well, know that you were all wrong! I am coming back! And I'm ready to hit the ground running. Let the 90's style vigilantism commence!


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