Know that every month I eagerly anticipate the solicitations for DC Comics. I scour them, seeking any hint or hope that that very month may be the month that I return to the pages of comics.

This month has been no exception, and I eagerly read through the preview of DC's July solicitations over at Newsarama. When I look at solicitations I try to pay extra close attention to those featuring you-know-who -- for obvious reasons.

My heart leapt in my chest when I saw the solicitation for Batman #679. It reads:

"“Batman R.I.P.” — Part 4! Robin and Damian team up — yes, you read that right — to search for the missing Batman. Meanwhile, the Club of Villains — The Hunchback, Pierrot Lunaire, King Kraken, Charlie Caligula, Scorpiana and El Sombrero — rampage through Gotham City! This incredible fourth chapter of “Batman R.I.P.” ends with the surprising return of a character you never thought you’d see again!"

A surprising return? A character you never thought you'd see again? In Saint Dumas's name... Who else could it be? Remember, last time you-know-who was seriously out of action it was I who donned his cowl. I mean, I'm really the only logical choice.

Unless of course it turns out to be Joe Coyne. That's just the sort of thing Morrison'd pull...


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