Okay, I've got to admit; this really threw me for a loop.

I mean... Really? Mortal Kombat? And DC? Those don't exactly seem like the greatest fit in the world.

Still, I remember somewhat fondly how in days of yore I would travel to yonder arcade "Aladdin's Castle" in the far flung "Sandburg Mall." In those hallowed halls we fought for turns to play at Mortal Kombat II.

I wouldn't say those were my best moments.

We now come to many years later, when to me comic books have superceded games (though they still hold a place in my heart). How is a geek such as myself to react? As it is, DCU games are few and far between. So it is likely that if this game is any good I will seek it out, like a man in the desert desperate for water.

You see, they make a lot of Marvel video games. They almost all suck, but that's beside the point. There are a lot of them. So I imagine a couple of them are not so bad. But DC games are rare as can be. So a gamer/comic fan such as myself as to take what he can get...

That's assuming the whole thing isn't some sort of joke.


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