In a few short weeks Final Crisis will arrive. And I am... Uneasy.

Why, you ask, is the Man Who Mastered Magnetism uneasy about the arrival of Grant Morrison's superhero magnum opus? I will tell you.

Recall just a few short years ago. At that time we found ourselves faced with another crisis. A crisis of infinite proportions. As I do enjoy wanton destruction and property damage, I was well pleased to join the Society so that I might engage in some magnetism-related mayhem.

It was when we decided to ambush my pathetic nephew Damage and his friends the Freedom Fighters when everything went horribly wrong. Yes, we killed Phantom Lady. And yes Black Condor was skewered by Sinestro. But then the Human Bomb decided to blow himself up. I suppose I should have been expecting that from someone with such an appellation, but well... I was enjoying myself too much to pay attention.

You know the rest of the story. I was blown up and removed from active duty in comics. As such, I have been forced to watch from afar and comment here. Through the Internet.

But all hope was not lost! Not long ago a Doctor Polaris returned to the pages of DC comics in Justice League of America. He is not conclusively me, but I wouldn't be surprised if her were. I wouldn't necessarily know it, seeing as I accumulate new personalities the way Hal Jordan accumulates knocks on the head.

So you can see why I may be uneasy about Infinite Crisis. I was killed, and now I live. But there is always the chance that I may be slain again for cheap shock value. Know this: if Grant Morrison kills me again he will have made a powerful enemy. I allowed it once; I will not let it happen a second time.


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