Tonight I will talk about the comic you've all been waiting for: Titans #15.

I kid, I kid. Not about what comic I'm going to talk about, but rather on its relative importance (though I do think it has some importance). Really, Blackest Night #1 was too big for me to talk about right away. I need to sleep on it, have some nightmares, and wake up screaming. I'll talk about it on Friday.

Now I'll talk about Titans #15. I don't subscribe to this book and I don't usually read it, but I'm a big Aquaman fan so I flipped through it to see if there was any Arthur Curry action.

I am actually pleasantly surprised. I think that making Tempest (a character I've never liked) the leader of Atlantis is brilliant. Not because I care about Atlantis or Tempest or any of those other idiots under the sea. No, it's a good idea because that means when Aquaman comes back (and he will) they won't have to make him the king of Atlantis again.

Because honestly, that's a really crappy thing to have him do. Aquaman isn't a king: he's a super-hero. He shouldn't be sitting on a crappy coral throne. He should be out travelling the sea righting wrongs on the back of a giant seahorse. He should also be front and center in the Justice League, of course.

Tempest as king of Atlantis makes that possible. Taking a character nobody wanted to use and putting him in a position nobody else wanted is a win/win for everyone. Especially fans of the real Aquaman.


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