I imagine you've all read Blackest Night #1 by now, yes? I wasn't all that interested in seeing it ("cosmic" isn't really my scene) until a reader (you know who you are) pointed me to this:

You recognize that? That me in a ring projection of all the heroes that Barry missed dying.

What does this mean? Does it mean I will be coming back as a Black Lantern? Know that I'd have a pretty hard time fitting one of those rings onto my three-fingered glove.

Still, I'm a little confused. As another reader mentioned (you also know who you are) there's no way either Hal or Barry should know about me! After all, I joined the hero scene and died during a period when they were both in the grave. The only thing that makes sense is that maybe Hal peeked in on me a few times when he was the Spectre. I really hope he wasn't scouting me out for ironic punishment...


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