I'm a bit concerned about what's going on with the whole "New Krypton" thing. Specifically, I'm worried that it's becoming a bit too Marvellike.

In what way, you ask? Well, my biggest concern comes from how the "average" person on the street seems to be reacting to this whole thing. They're starting to get a wee bit too close to the way Marvel civilians react to superheroes. By that, I mean they're being easily fooled and stupid.

Now, to be fair the people trying to trick them are a lot more powerful and intelligent than any of the so-called masterminds of the Marvel Universe. And I can understand people being wary of Supergirl, considering that she's done a whole heap of stupid things up to and including recently.

But I never thought I'd see the day that the people of Metropolis lost their faith in Superman. Sure, we've seen similar stories where something like that happens. But never to this degree. People believe in Superman. They always have. And I thought they always would.


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