Hi Peoples!

Thought I'd open with a visual aid describing what my birthday weekend's been like.

As many of you know, I wrote yet another Daily List for Topless Robot, you can check it out here, if you are so inclined.

Bottom line, I defended a number of movies that the Nerd/Geek community have declared blasphemous to Nerd Orthodoxy.

(Just so you know: "Defended", in Nerdese, translates to "Perhaps the directors DON'T deserve to have their genitals sandblasted off for making these films")

Ergo, I spent much of the weekend in the Virtual trenches, fighting the good fight...To other Internet Journalists: I don't recommend this--commenters calling you an "Assshole"(sic) are merely exercising their First Amendment rights, writers who retaliate to such remarks are Trolls, or so I've been lead to understand :P

I won't go into too much detail as to the content of the negative remarks, but just to give you an idea, here's a direct copy/paste of the VERY FIRST comment in the thread (the poster's name has been omitted to protect the douchey):

"All of these movies deserve ALL of the venom they receive and the idiot that wrote this article needs his nerd creds revoked."

Yeah, quite a start, eh?

And it just got more fun from there!

Btw, does anyone know what "Nerd Creds" are? How do you quantify them? Who has the authority to grant/strip them? Call me old-fashioned, but I thought one of the points of BEING a Nerd/Geek and seeking out others of like temperament and tastes was because one was tired of being judged and pigeonholed by "Mundane Society"...What the Hell's the point when your own people are going to be equally as judgemental?

Bah, I'm done ranting about this.

Was gonna launch into a much longer diatribe, but ya know what? There's no need.


Because every cruel, obnoxious, and uncalled for remark I received was accompanied by a screen name that had me scratching my head...The very few I recognized were from people who's names I knew only vaguely, NOT regulars--"Pillars of the Comunity", so to speakXD

And every name I knew well, every good friend, every acquaintance, every person who I had any kind of respect or admiation for--whether I'd ever spoken to them or not--had nothing but positive, supportive, or at the very least civil and respectful things to say.

So let the fools, the poseurs, the trolls, and the douchebags say what they will...

My friends have my back!<3

Thank you all--there's a token of appreciation after the jump. ;)

Old Man Scoot


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