Another weekend has passed so it’s once again the start of the five day struggle. I did however have a strangely awesome weekend. Strange because I had fun at something I would have said little fun could be had.

I went to this opening type thingy of Auryn ( ) , in short… lots of make-up, lot’s of women buying and talking about make-up, the occasional stylist giving advice… and me. And I had a blast. Looking back I can’t say what it was that made the day so much fun except for the people there. However… traveling to and especially back from Zeeland, where this happening took place was bad, real bad. With just about 7 hours of travel time in total of which at least 1,5 hour on the trip home spend standing packed like sardines by train, it was extraordinary coming home with the feeling of having had a great day… I mean I didn’t even buy anything? I guess it was a combination of interesting people and good hosts.

I did have time to do some drawing (see pic), feeling like an island of zen in a sea of make-up raiding estrogen. Other then that I actually did some palm reading (to prove that it’s a gimmick) and some interesting tarot readings.

On other news today… be cool, join my forum, besides the fact that I love the attention, I know some pretty awesome people are out there who should spend time talking to each other online… yes you are one of them… go join .


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