Hello again Tao-oreenos! I, meaning me Zortt1, is in the mood to write up a little something since its quite sometime that I have done so for this always awesome blog. I do visit from time to time but never really been inspired to contribute anymore...


Yay for me! Yay for you! And look at my new do!

Showing off my new look, I'm wearing a work shirt when I took this picture.

Today, I present to you a list of things that I'm nerdy about that you may not know already. Some of the obvious ones that I am nerdy about are DC Comics (mainly Batman and Flash), Action Figures, Star Trek, Movies, the internet in general, and of course the beloved Topless Robot.

Here's 5 more things you could add to this list:

5. Lady Gaga

Yep, out of the gate I'm launching a big one. Last Monday, her new album came out and I totally woke up early and made my day of getting the new album and listening to it in one play through. I love me some Gaga. I guess what makes me nerdy for her is that she's got the same musical tastes as I do (David Bowie, Heavy Metal bands like Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin) and her music is actually kind of inspiring. I use most of her songs on the new album as a nerd anthem type thing where its ok for me to be who I am and the way I lead my life. The first album was just lots of nice poppy songs that were just fun to listen to. I also think that if she and I met, we'd be fast friends because we have a lot of the same ideas on things and it would be just fun to be around her and what she does. Not to mention did anyone see SNL last Saturday, she was just as funny as Timberlake and always sounded great.

And just look at that ass!

4. Board Games

Oh my god, if you ever come to my house and hang with me for a weekend we'll play board games. I have so many of them and they aren't just Monopoly or Clue (I have those too, in may different variants), but I greatly enjoy horror themed games like Arkham Horror, Fury of Dracula, Mansions of Madness, Betrayal at the House on the Hill. Games that take forever to play and is more about having an experience than actually making an attempt to see who is the overall winner. I have a competitive nature, sure, but I like a little role playing in my games (actually, I've never played DnD but I know I'd probably like it) and a little atmosphere to make things really fun. I collect the games as well. I don't have many friends where I live, so my games just sit around and wait for someone to play with me, but I just like that I'm prepared for when people do want to come play them.

3. Driving

I only started getting into this really recently, but I love driving around to various towns just for the sake of driving there. I really enjoy driving on the highway in all kinds of traffic and situations. That's my second favorite part about visiting my long distance friends (the first being seeing my long distance friends) is driving along the highways, reading road signs and maps and figuring out how to get to where I'm going the quickest. Exhilarating! I don't use GPS and I don't print out a Google map. I look at the Google map and hand write the directions down and use that as my basis on where I'm going. Sooo exciting. 

2. Nerdy Art

I love looking at Nerdy Art and when I go to comic book conventions I usually pick up a print of something. Not a personalized sketch or something, a print that I intend to frame and hang up in a house someday. I love taking a really nerdy idea and then putting it through a legit artist and see what comes out the other side. I can't tell you all the names of artists I've met at cons where I just go through all the pictures they have available and ooh and ahh at the neat designs or re-imagining of beloved characters in a fine art format. Its really cool.

The image to the left, is an art print I own done by a guy named Mark Champion. He did this one from memory of The Riddler and drew it up in photoshop. I have it signed and hanging on my wall right now. I got it at Chicago Comic Con last year and I love, love, love it.

1. Professional Football

 I never played the game, my high school didn't offer football, but ever since I left college I've been a real football nut. Not Soccer mind you, but good old fashioned pig skin. I love the mechanics of the game, all the rules and regulations, and even the history of the game itself. Leatherheads is a movie starring George Clooney and John Krasinski and its awesome because it shows how professional football was becoming popular. I don't mind the players make outrageous sums of money and that apparently there's more prestige in college football, I get really fired up watching the Colts play on Sunday in the fall. Now, look, I'm not the guy who drops everything on Sunday because his team is playing, I'll listen to it on the radio at work while I'm minding the gas station, but I'll sure whine about it.

(Addendum: I'm writing this because I don't think there will be football next season due to the lockout, which really pisses me off because it was supposed to be the year where Indianapolis is supposed to host the super bowl and I was going to give my right kidney or any other appendage to attend the game no matter who was playing. I am planning on going to the Super Bowl damnit. Don't lock me out...)

So there you have it another look into the mind of me, Zortt1. :)


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