Video Games

Hoopla, Readers!

So yeah, last night I had my first ever on-air( ...well, "cyber-air", at least) interview with Topless Roboteer and fellow Taoist Gene Hoyle for his Blogtalkradio podcast: Nerd Nation.

I communicat somewhat less smoothly by voice than by the written or typed word...every other sound out of my mouth was "um" :P But still, my voice, which I've always despised, actually sounded a lot better than I was expecting. All in all, it was a great experience, and hopefully will lead to an increase in my deranged readership...and maybe get me closer to the promised land of gainful employment in the internet writing industry.

Anyhoo, here it be:

Arright then, apparently Blogger's being a douche and not letting me embed the player!

Here's a link, then:

Now, I've also been skulking about Facebook looking up my old Rocky Horror friends, as previously mentioned. Not long after posting that group shot with my 16 year old, dead-eyed head in the center, some of my old compatriots dusted off some photos from the 90s, scanned them, and posted them.

Here are a few of my favorites, and a little accompanying witty commentary, after the jump (fair warning: If you never wanted to know how I look in fishnet stockings, you might wish to reconsider going any furtherXD)

Radio Free Scoot

That's me in ' 19, in full Criminologist regalia and a terrible haircut. The young lady's name is Shannon. I'm afraid I don't know her last name. We met at my first and only RHPS convention in Milwaukee. Had a big crush on her, but she lived too far away (says the guy with an online relationship with a girl in South Carolina!).

Here's a better version of the shot I posted earlier. I'm much more visible, but stil staring like the camera is draining my will to live.

This one's a few years later. The cast has grown some. Again, only my head is visible (far right, middle) But at least I'm showing some personality! :D

This one might be called our "Official" cast pic. I don't recall the exact year, but it was late in my run as a cast member. There I am at the far right again, somewhat aloof from the rest of the group...which, if you've seen the show, you recognize as appropriate for my character.

This is one of my favorites. This is probably the biggest the cast ever got. I'm in the middle at the very top. That's Gene Chiovari next to me as Frank--he's an awesome guy and true Rocky Horror royalty.

Another pic from the same shoot. I'm right in front, plain as day, but for some reason I did my best to ruin the shot by trying to stick my tongue out with a cigarette holder in my mouth. God, do I look like a tool.

Everyone else looks awesome...Good job, guys!

As advertised, there's your Scoot in semi-drag at 17. I'll bet you were expecting something more risque given my warning...wish I could accomodate you, but this is all I got. To my left is my old high school friend Dawn, to the right: Fellow cast member Melissa. Below: Chantilly....No one remembers a damn thing about her, and it's suspected that she kinda shoehorned herself into this pic (If you're reading this, I apologize for whatever I've forgottenXD)

There's Melissa again (she dug up these pics, so thank her ;) ) Next to her is the magnificence that was Ginger! If you look close at my face, you'll see me blushing: That was her doing. Ginger was half the reason I joined the cast: I never asked her out--she was seing the aforementioned Gene, but I had a kind of reverential awe for her...I guess you had to be there.

Oh, btw, in case certain questions sprung to mind due to seeing me in the company of so many attractive young women, I must admit that I never had the honor of being romantically entangled with any of them (and not for lack of trying, either!)

That was the story of my love life in my teens and twenties: I was a man starving to death at a banquet!

Hope you enjoyed my reminiscing, and for those of you who already saw all these on Facebook: I hope my witticisms and anecdotes were enough to keep your attention :)


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