Well, it's Wednesday in Japan. Which means it's Tuesday back in the States. Which means that tomorrow (or yesterday) is comic book day.

Get all that?

Anyway, what I'm trying to get at is Infinite Crisis #5 is nearly here. And with it the jump to one year later. For someone like me, who receives his comics at a slight delay tomorrow will be very difficult. But I will perservere, and finally find out what the heck is going on. Because I think issue five is going to be the most pivotal and important one yet. Maybe.

Look, I'm just little worried, okay? What with the possibilities inherant in what is yet to come. It's the unknown, I suppose. Something unknown is coming. A real, true shake-up in the DCU. And I don't don't know what to expect. I anticipate it breathlessly, yet fear it at the same time.

I guess that means they're doing something right...


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