Let me start off by saying that this post includes minor spoilers for Infinite Crisis #5 and Superman OYL. Let me also say that it's probably all in my imagination. But then again, I'm not convinced that anything we see from DC these days is a coincidence. But I'll let you judge the level of my insanity.

Exhibit A; an Earth-2 panel from Infinite Crisis #5. We clearly see the Daily Star on the right. But that's not what I noticed. Examine the foreground closely:

Look at the pretzel cart. Look at the pretzel cart. Do you see it?

Now I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that I've finally gone off the deep end. Ol' Diamondrock's finally gone Polaris. But before you condemn me to Arkham, take a look at Exhibit B; a page from Superman #650, the first OYL Superman title:

Do you see? Do you see? To top it off, Superman #650 opens with a retrospective that claims Superman first appeared sixty-eight years ago.

Now tell me: I am I crazy, or merely insane?


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