You may notice something new over on the sidebar. Allow me to explain.

The sad fact is that real life is taking up more and more of my time. You have no doubt noted the drop in postings in recent days. I just don't have the time to update as much as I'd like to. But since I want the same level of quality here at Title Undetermined that you're all used to, I've managed to convince a couple of friends of mine to join me here on the blog. I think you may have heard of them.

The first new member joining me here on the blog is Doctor Polaris. That's a name that is surely familiar to all of you. In addition to continuing his world-renowned advice column, the good doctor will be contributing some exciting new features to be revealed in the coming days.

The second new member is Azrael. You may remember him from his brief stint as Batman during the early nineties. Azrael is going to be the resident reviewer here at Title Undetermined (in addition to other duties).

I hope you treat the two of them with the same respect that you treat me.


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