I know that a lot of people were concerned about Red Tornado playing a big role in Brad Meltzer's new Justice League of America. I wasn't one of them. I love Red Tornado. He looks cool, has interesting powers, and gets blown up a lot. What more could a person want with him?

Apparently Brad Meltzer thought there was a lot more. Red Tornado takes up the bulk of Justice League of America #1. And though I'm torn, I'm not completely sure it was a good idea.

To avoid spoilers, I'll just say that something happens to Red Tornado. It's an intriguing twist I wasn't expecting, but it seriously hinders one of the three things I mentioned above. My favorite one, incidentally. I'll leave you to guess which one it is.

Though I'm wary of where things are going, I'm also very much intrigued. And when I recall how slowly Identity Crisis seemed to move at times, I'm more than willing to stick around and see how things turn out.


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