Forgive me for two things. First, the fact that I haven't been posting. Work is still being a pain. Secondly, forgive me for the fact that I'm about to make a lot of nasty, angry remarks. Know that these are driven by a deep and abiding pain.

So what the hell is up with this Titans East bullshit? Seriously? I'm starting to get really pissed off. I know, I know. Everybody else is over the raping of Cassandra Cain's character, but I'm not. From this week's DC Nation:

Pulled together by shared evil intentions are former heroes Batgirl...

Ah, screw it. I don't even need to mention anything more. I was actually starting to believe that my favorite writer might not continue the destruction of my favorite character. And yes, I know I'm overreacting, but that's what I do. I overreact. It's a part of my personality. I'm sure some people might find that charming. I'd like to meet them some day.

And the worst part is the fact that this Titans East is being put together by Deathstroke. Am I the only one who is starting to get damn sick and tired of that guy? And will someone explain to my why Deathstroke's daughter is a good guy, while Batgirl is now a bad guy working for Deathstroke? IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY GOD DAMN SENSE.

And explain to my why Robin was willing to overlook the evil actions that Ravager did in the past, but hasn't made even the tiniest bit of effort to find out why the hell Cassandra Cain is acting so incredibly out of character. Why is he so eager to write her off as a lost cause? Tim Drake has never given up on anybody. I just DON'T UNDERSTAND why he's doing it now.

It's like the rules of logic are being thrown out the window for the character of Cassandra Cain. And to be honest, I'm not feeling much confidence that Geoff Johns is going to do anything to fix the problem. And that pains me. Because this is the man who fixed Hal Jordan and helped bring the Justice Society back into the modern world. Why is he helping them destroy Cassie?

Again, I know I'm overreacting and being overly harsh. I shouldn't be judging this before I've read it. But that's just the way I am.


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