Okay, so I glanced through the most recent issue of Supergirl. (there ain't no way I'm payin' for that!)

What the bloody hell do they think they're doing? Could this character be any more unlikable. I just want to get me a Luthor Supersuit and start wailing on her. I mean, c'mon. That "tight t-shirt" remark? The smoking? And Captain Boomerang?

I long for the days when Supergirl had a complicated backstory involving angels and shapeshifting aliens. At least then she was nice. I think sacrificing a likable character for the sake of a succinct backstory was a huge mistake.

Hell, go back even further. To the real Kara Zor-El. The original. She was cute and sweet. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that female characters must be cute and sweet. Power Girl certainly isn't (and I love her).

What I'm really saying is that Supergirl should be a comic that you'd be able to give to a young girl and have her both enjoy it and maybe learn a few lessons about being a good person.

If girls started taking lessons from this Supergirl, they'd be tieing up their shirts, smoking, and dating the sons of supervillains. Not a winning combonation.


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