I tend to have a lot of free time when I'm not inflicting righteous justice on the wicked. And in my free time I tend to think about things. Lately I've been pondering this whole "multiverse" thing. And the prospect of a bunch of numbered worlds spiraling out of the ether makes me wonder.

Remember how Kyle Rayner and that new Firestorm turned out to be their versions on some "Earth-8"? At first I thought that was silly. But then I began to think about what they all have in common. And well, I wondered: might I be the Batman of Earth-8?

Just think about it for a second! Consider all those late 90's early 00's replacement heroes. Most of them were young and many of them were eventually sidelined again to make way for the originals. It describes me perfectly!

If this is indeed the way things work, then maybe with the return of this "multiverse" I'll get to come back as well! A Gotham City all to me own! Without you-know-who complaining about what a crappy job I'm doing and always comparing me unfavorable to Nightwing...


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