Well, it seems that I let time get away from me during this holiday season. Such things happen, especially when you're caught up in the whirlwind of Christmas and Japanese New Year's celebrations. Those things are nuts.

Anyway, I hope to return to posting again. Let's say... Right now.

That being said, I think this might be the longest stretch I've gone without posting. Sorry about that, Mom.

Anyway, I do want to talk about comics again. So how about I make a New Year's resolution? (albeit three days too late) I shall endevour to make sure that one of the three of us posts every day. Doctor Polaris has been vacationing somewhere warm, and Azrael's been... Well, he's been moodier than usual lately. I think he's depressed because someone called him "god-awful." But he'll get over it.

So yeah, it's 2:15 AM and I'm really tired. So there will be sensical stuff tomorrow. At least as sensical as I usually am...


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