Yeah, I'm back with another post about Monarch. But it's important. Plus, I got so caught up with the history of Monarch yesterday that I couldn't go into some of my theories about the character. So here goes...
I was reading a few of those weekly Countdown columns you see on websites like Newsarama earlier today. I found myself coming away unimpressed. They need to check their facts (Grayle Gardner? Puh-leeze). But the thing I noticed is that they all made the assumption that Monarch is a villain.
This isn't necessarily untrue, of course. Monarch may very well turn out to be a villain. He does act quite ominously, after all. But consider this: Monarch is a character assumed to be a villain who is sending his Forerunner through the Multiverse to collect people from various worlds to fight for him in a coming war.
In 1985 a character called the Monitor was widely assumed to be a villain. He sent his Harbinger through the Multiverse to collect people from various worlds to fight for him in a coming war.
So I think it's a mistake to assume that this Monarch is a villain just because the first one was. Just like it's a mistake to assume that the new Monitors are virtuous just because the original one was...