It's not secret that I like to write. At the moment I've got half a dozen comic scripts and a like number of novels in the works. I've got so many ideas (though they may not be good ideas) flowing through my head that I don't know what to do with them all.

But interestingly enough, I find that there aren't many characters at DC that I'd really like a chance to write (needless to say, I have no interest in any Marvel characters). I love characters like Batman, Superman, and Aquaman, but I don't really want to write about them. I want to read about them.

Most of the characters DC has that I'd like to write are forgotten characters. Characters that have been sitting around in limbo for years and years. Even characters that have been forgotten by continuity. I once thought up a way of bringing them all back into a series for amazing adventures through the Multiverse.

Yeah, I said Multiverse. I know I've made it very clear that I'm not a fan of the Multiverse as it existed in the pre-Crisis days. But I always felt that it never really went away. There were still alternate worlds and things, they were just really hard to get to and rarely bore much resemblance to the main DCU. And that's the way I liked it.

So I've always wanted to write a story about a team of Elseworlds and retconned out misfits that travel the Multiverse righting wrongs and in some cases, trying to find a place to belong. These travelers are led by a powerful character searching for a lost loved one. Said powerful character is later revealed to be a major DCU character who once headlined his/her own series. What can I say? I love to play with continuity.

So that's my dream project at DC. Unfortunately, the return of the Multiverse as it is in some ways wipes it out. Though I still think I could pull it off. Maybe some day I'll get a shot...

(And before you say anything, yes, I have been told that this may in some way resemble Marvel's Exiles series. But when I conceived my idea I'd never heard of Exiles. And obviously I've never read it. So there.)


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