Let me start by apologizing not only to my loyal readers, but to the Thursday Night Thinkers who have been joining me these weeks. I have been lax in my responsibilities.

Add Doctor Polaris vacationing on an isolated island in the South Pacific and the fact that Azrael has mysteriously disappeared to the equation and you get little or no posting this past week. What can I say? Sometimes I'm bad at this blogging thing.

But I am back for the foreseeable future and -- with your permission -- I will make a few remarks regarding the news that came out of last weekend's Comic Con.

Grant Morrison & J. G. Jones on Final Crisis: Bring on the crazy. Pretty crazy.

Judd Winick & Ian Churchill on Titans East: Son of Vulcan is back! Am I the only person psyched about that? Loved that mini...

Bill Willingham & Sean Chen on Salvation Run: I love Willingham's work, and this has the potential to be very interesting. I can't wait to see the Joker's city...

See y'all tomorrow... Same untitled time, same untitled channel...


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